Gamut Canon Conversion LUTs 介绍
Gamut Canon Conversion LUTs 这是一套由Gamut出品的高级佳能转换Lut,相比官方的转换lut,具有更加出色的高光保留、均衡的饱和度和准确的色彩还原,非常值得学习与应用,收藏备用!
We developed our own custom Canon Log and Canon Log 3 Conversion LUTs that have great retention in the highlights, well balanced saturation levels, and an accurate colorimetry response for consistent results. These are technical LUTs designed to give your footage the best accurate starting point before adding any creative LUTs to the mix. These will be your new favorite go-to Conversion LUTs!
我们开发了自己的定制 Canon Log 和 Canon Log 3 转换 LUT,它们具有出色的高光保留、均衡的饱和度水平以及准确的色度响应,可实现一致的结果。这些是技术 LUT,旨在在将任何创意 LUT 添加到混音之前为您的素材提供最准确的起点。这些将是您最喜欢的新转换 LUT!
适用系统:Windows 和 Mac 系统
支持软件:与Sony Vegas,Premiere Pro CC,After Effects CC,FCPX,DaVinci Resolve等兼容。
Gamut Canon Conversion LUTs 视频介绍
Gamut Canon Conversion LUTs 图文介绍
Skin Tones 肤色
Get a clean skin tone balance that is not overly magenta that other LUTs sometimes produce.
获得干净的肤色平衡,不会像其他 LUT 有时会产生的过度洋红色。 -
Highlights 强调
You will get pleasing highlight roll-off as well as maximum highlight retention without losing information.
您将获得令人愉悦的高光滚降以及最大的高光保留而不会丢失信息。 -
Environment 环境
Whether you are filming in natural light or at a venue where the lights have strong saturation levels, these LUTs will handle it all with ease.
无论您是在自然光下拍摄还是在灯光饱和度很高的场所拍摄,这些 LUT 都能轻松应对。
Should I Film in Log?
When filming in a LOG profile, you will notice a very flat looking image. Filming in LOG allows more information to be captured by the camera and can give stunning results when properly graded and adjusted in post. However, it can be difficult to expose properly or nail white balance every time. You want the colors you see when filming to be the colors you see when grading. That is where the Gamut Conversion LUTs come in. If you have a monitor, you can load these Conversion LUTs and view your footage in real-time when filming and know that you are exposing properly and see a properly adjusted image. So grab these LUTs and you will be set when filming and grading.
当以 LOG 剖面拍摄时,您会注意到图像看起来非常平坦。在 LOG 中拍摄可以让相机捕获更多信息,并且在后期进行适当分级和调整时可以产生令人惊叹的结果。然而,每次都正确曝光或确定白平衡可能很困难。您希望拍摄时看到的颜色就是分级时看到的颜色。这就是色域转换 LUT 的用武之地。如果您有显示器,则可以加载这些转换 LUT 并在拍摄时实时查看素材,并知道您是否正确曝光并看到正确调整的图像。 因此,抓住这些 LUT,您就可以在拍摄和调色时做好准备。
Why Default Canon LUTs Fall Short
为什么默认的佳能 LUT 达不到要求
When comparing Canon’s default LUTs to our Gamut conversion LUTs, you can see that the colors and dynamic range do not hold up well. With Canon, the skin looks lifeless and desaturated while also leaning more magenta. With Gamut, we optimize the skin tones to reflect the accurate colors they should be. Also, we have dialed in our highlights to retain better information so that you can maximize the dynamic range of your footage without clipping that extra highlight detail that you get with Canon’s conversion LUTs. Overall, you will get better results when using Gamut Conversion LUTs than the default camera manufacturer LUTs.
将佳能的默认 LUT 与我们的色域转换 LUT 进行比较时,您会发现颜色和动态范围表现不佳。使用佳能,皮肤看起来毫无生气且不饱和,同时也更倾向于洋红色。借助色域,我们可以优化肤色以反映其应有的准确颜色。此外,我们还调整了高光以保留更好的信息,以便您可以最大限度地提高素材的动态范围,而无需剪裁通过佳能转换 LUT 获得的额外高光细节。总体而言,使用色域转换 LUT 会比默认相机制造商 LUT 获得更好的结果。
如何在Final Cut Pro X中加载LUTs?
如何在Premiere Pro中加载LUTs?
Mac 系统: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/LUTs
Windows 系统: \Program Files\Adobe\Common\LUTs
拷贝 例如“Log to Rec709” LUTs到上述文件夹内.
如何在DaVinci Resolve中加载LUTs?
Mac 系统: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/LUT
Windows 系统: C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\LUT
拷贝 例如“Log to Rec709” LUTs到上述文件夹内即可.
MotionVfx Mlut 3.0 LUTS管理工具 预览加载调节 支持M1 Big Sur fcpx 10.5+
fcpx调色视频教程 如何使用fcpx自带LUT加载工具加载LUTS 附16组电影调色