Luts预设 富士负片模拟专业视频色彩分级 介绍

Luts预设 富士负片模拟专业视频色彩分级 这是一套由专业调色cobalt-image出品的适用于专业视频色彩分级的富士负片模拟LUT预设,通过高端仿真胶片制作的LUT可直接应用在数字影片上,制作出前所未有的准确性和真实性的影片外观,非常值得学习与借鉴,收藏备用!‎‎‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎

适用系统:Windows 和 Mac 系统
支持软件:与Sony Vegas,Premiere Pro CC,After Effects CC,FCPX,DaVinci Resolve等兼容。

Luts预设 富士负片模拟专业视频色彩分级 视频介绍

Luts预设 富士负片模拟专业视频色彩分级 图文介绍

Cobalt Elite Video film emulations 电影模拟

In the past, our Kodak and Fuji film packs were renowned for capturing the unique mood of film emulsions. However, we have now taken our emulation to the next level with our high-end emulation pack. This isn’t just a mood anymore – it’s a scientific reproduction of your favourite film emulsions, brought to life on digital. Our team has spent months meticulously reducing every manageable variable in the acquisition process to ensure that we are able to offer a true emulation of these legendary film packs on digital as you can see here. We take immense pride in being pioneers in the market, offering an unprecedented level of accuracy and authenticity in our digital emulations. When it comes to video color correction, we’re delighted to provide an unshakable arsenal of emulations, characterized by the highest standards of reproduction. These emulations seamlessly integrate into the high-end video production workflow, ensuring top-notch results every step of the way.

Each colour profile is available in balanced and not-balanced versions. The balanced (B) version produces results comparable to a development and scan process that follows a fully calibrated colour workflow with the neutralization of the grey axis. The not-balanced (NB) version is acquired without considering a complete white balance calibration during scanning, providing a product familiar to those who have scanned at home or in a lab to enjoy the original mood of the emulsion.
每个颜色配置文件都有平衡和非平衡版本。平衡 (B) 版本产生的结果可与显影和扫描过程相媲美,该过程遵循完全校准的颜色工作流程并中和灰轴。非平衡(NB)版本是在扫描过程中不考虑完整的白平衡校准而获得的,为那些在家中或实验室扫描过的人提供了熟悉的产品,以享受乳液的原始氛围。

The Elite Video packs have been meticulously crafted, employing the same precision and expertise that have become synonymous with our photo products. We’ve seamlessly integrated the modern elements necessary for today’s professional colour LUTs. Our .cubes are provided in the three most essential colour gamuts: Rec.709, DCI-P3, and Rec.2020, ensuring their remarkable effectiveness in enhancing the colour grading of any footage – from a simple corporate video to a luxurious wedding highlight reel, and even the intricately demanding world of film production.
Elite 视频包经过精心制作,采用了与我们的照片产品相同的精度和专业知识。我们无缝集成了当今专业色彩 LUT 所需的现代元素。我们的 .cubes 提供三种最重要的色域:Rec.709、DCI-P3 和 Rec.2020,确保其在增强任何素材的色彩分级方面具有卓越的效果 – 从简单的企业视频到豪华的婚礼精彩片段,甚至是要求复杂的电影制作世界。

These are premium-grade products intended for the most discerning video editors and colourists.

-Rec.709: This serves as the industry-standard colour gamut for high-definition videos.

-DCI-P3: Boasting an expanded colour gamut, it excels in High Dynamic Range (HDR) settings.
-DCI-P3:拥有扩展的色域,在高动态范围 (HDR) 设置中表现出色。

-Rec.2020: With its exceptionally wide and forward-looking colour gamut, it caters to HDR and 4K or 8K video, ensuring future-proofed versatility.
-Rec.2020:凭借其超宽且前瞻性的色域,迎合 HDR 和 4K 或 8K 视频,确保面向未来的多功能性。

Fuji Pro 160NS 富士 Pro 160NS

Fujifilm Pro 160NS is a colour-negative film known for its fine grain structure, excellent colour reproduction, and smooth tonal transitions. This film is often used for portrait and studio photography where accurate skin tones and a subdued colour palette are desired
Fujifilm Pro 160NS 是一款彩色负片,以其精细的颗粒结构、出色的色彩再现和平滑的色调过渡而闻名。该胶片通常用于需要准确肤色和柔和调色板的人像和工作室摄影

-Natural Color Reproduction: The film is designed to produce natural and accurate colour reproduction. Skin tones, in particular, tend to look pleasing and true to life, making it a popular choice for portrait photographers.

-Subdued Saturation: Unlike some other films that may produce more vibrant and saturated colours, Fuji Pro 160NS has a more subdued colour palette. This makes it well-suited for capturing a softer and more muted look, which can be desirable in certain artistic or professional settings.
– 柔和的饱和度:与其他可能产生更鲜艳和饱和色彩的胶片不同,Fuji Pro 160NS 具有更柔和的调色板。这使得它非常适合捕捉更柔和、更柔和的外观,这在某些艺术或专业环境中可能是理想的。

-Smooth Tonal Transitions: The film is known for its smooth transitions between different tonalities. This contributes to a pleasing and gradual shift from highlight to shadow areas in the images, avoiding harsh contrasts.

<——-On the left is a sample of the grading starting from the Colour Corrected, to the  Not Balanced |Pro 160NS and the Balanced Pro 160NS.
<——-左边是从色彩校正开始,到不平衡 |Pro 160NS 和平衡 Pro 160NS 的分级示例。

Fuji Pro 400H 富士 Pro 400H

Fujifilm Pro 400H is another popular colour negative film from Fujifilm, known for its versatility and well-balanced colour signature.
Fujifilm Pro 400H 是富士胶片另一款广受欢迎的彩色负片,以其多功能性和均衡的色彩特征而闻名。

-Natural and Balanced Colors: Fuji Pro 400H is praised for its natural and well-balanced colour reproduction. It tends to produce colours that are true to life without being overly saturated, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of applications.
-自然且平衡的色彩:Fuji Pro 400H 以其自然且均衡的色彩再现而受到赞誉。它往往会产生逼真的颜色,但不会过度饱和,使其成为各种应用的多功能选择。

-Smooth Gradation: The film is designed to deliver smooth and gradual transitions between different tones. This characteristic helps in capturing subtle details and avoiding harsh contrast, contributing to a more pleasing and nuanced look in the final images.
– 平滑渐变:该薄膜旨在提供不同色调之间平滑渐变的过渡。此特性有助于捕捉微妙的细节并避免刺眼的对比度,从而使最终图像呈现出更加令人愉悦和细致入微的外观。

-Soft and Pastel Tones: While maintaining natural colour reproduction, Fuji Pro 400H is known for its slightly subdued and pastel-like tones. This characteristic can add a touch of elegance and a timeless quality to the images, making it a popular choice for portrait and wedding photographers. 
– 柔和柔和的色调:在保持自然色彩再现的同时,Fuji Pro 400H 以其略显柔和的柔和色调而闻名。这一特性可以为图像增添一丝优雅和永恒的品质,使其成为肖像和婚礼摄影师的热门选择。

On the right is a sample of the grading starting from the Colour Corrected, to the  Not Balanced Pro 400H and the Balanced Pro 400H ——->
右侧是从 Color Corrected 开始,到 Not Balanced Pro 400H 和 Balanced Pro 400H 的分级示例 ——->

Fuji Superia 400 富士 Superia 400

Fujifilm Superia 400 is a popular colour negative film known for its versatility and balanced colour signature.
Fujifilm Superia 400 是一款流行的彩色负片,以其多功能性和平衡的色彩特征而闻名。

-Natural and Vibrant Colors: Superia 400 is designed to produce colours that are both natural and vibrant. It strikes a balance between accurate colour reproduction and a touch of saturation, resulting in images with a lively and pleasing appearance.
– 自然、鲜艳的色彩:Superia 400 旨在产生自然、鲜艳的色彩。它在准确的色彩再现和饱和度之间取得了平衡,从而使图像具有生动且令人愉悦的外观。

-Film Character: Superia 400 can impart a unique filmic character to images, with a touch of warmth in its colour rendition. This characteristic is often appreciated by photographers seeking a film look with a nostalgic or classic feel.
-电影特性:Superia 400 可以赋予图像独特的电影特性,其色彩再现带有一丝温暖。寻求具有怀旧或经典感觉的胶片外观的摄影师通常会欣赏这一特性。

-Versatility: One of the standout features of Superia 400 is its versatility. This film performs well in a variety of lighting conditions, making it suitable for everyday photography, including outdoor scenes, portraits, and snapshots.
-多功能性:Superia 400 的突出特点之一是其多功能性。该胶片在各种照明条件下都表现良好,适合日常摄影,包括户外场景、人像和快照。

<——-On the left is a sample of the grading starting from the Colour Corrected, to the  Not Balanced Superia 400 and the Balanced Superia 400.
<——-左侧是从颜色校正开始到不平衡 Superia 400 和平衡 Superia 400 的分级示例。

如何在Final Cut Pro X中加载LUTs?




如何在Premiere Pro中加载LUTs?

Mac 系统:  /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/LUTs
Windows 系统: \Program Files\Adobe\Common\LUTs
拷贝 例如“Log to Rec709” LUTs到上述文件夹内.

如何在DaVinci Resolve中加载LUTs?

Mac 系统: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/LUT
Windows 系统: C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\LUT
拷贝 例如“Log to Rec709” LUTs到上述文件夹内即可.


Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 2023.2.1 红巨人降噪磨皮调色插件套装 Mac版本

MotionVfx Mlut 3.0 LUTS管理工具 预览加载调节 

fcpx调色视频教程 如何使用fcpx自带LUT加载工具加载LUTS 附16组电影调色



本站绝大部分的fcpx插件已制作成一键安装包,易于安装!详情查看 fcpx插件怎么安装? Final cut pro x 插件安装教程

①首先重新启动一次fcpx,再打开下载的资源DMG文档,参考【插件位置】截图来找所安装的插件。 ②重启后如果还未找到,请参考:Final Cut Pro X 插件分布 安装路径 卸载方法 说明 检查是否成功安装插件,如果3个位置均为找到,则说明插件并未写入硬盘,安装未成功,请重试。

此问题的主要原因是所安装的插件和fcpx当前的版本不兼容,按如下排查: 第一:检查自己的fcpx版本和Mac的系统版本是否符合插件要求(资源文章里有说明),未达到要求,请按要求升级fcpx或者Mac系统,有些资源因为发布时间比较早,未提及是否兼容目前最新的fcpx版本,如fcpx 10.6.2+,此时可咨询客服看是否兼容; 第二:出现红色警告提示的原因是未正常的安装插件,如某些插件需激活,此时仔细查看文件包,按说明完成安装,并重启fcpx! 第三:检查插件安装完毕后,插件包是否被移动或删除,如何查看安装是否到位参考如下: Fcpx插件分布 安装路径 卸载方法 说明 第三:往往新发布的fcpx软件和新的Mac系统,会导致插件不兼容,这里提醒大家,如果工作机切记延迟至少2个版本再升级,等插件与新的fcpx软件和系统适配再进行升级!经过不断努力,我们已经更新了大部分的支持新版fcpx 10.5.2和M1芯片的插件,可直接到此分区下载使用: 支持M1芯片fcpx插件专区

请参考:Final Cut Pro X 插件分布 安装路径 卸载方法 说明,3个位置找一遍,将需要卸载的插件删除即可。



先打开【系统偏好设置】 -> 【安全与隐私】 -> 【通用】 选项卡,检查是否已经启用了【任何来源】选项。如果没有启用,先点击左下角的小黄锁图标解锁,然后选中【任何来源】。点我查看详细说明

打开【应用程序】 -> 【其它】 -> 【终端】,输入引号中的命令 “sudo spctl --master-disable” 并回车,输入您的系统密码(输入过程不显示字符),回车即可。点我查看详细说明

FCPX插件有部分是采用“一键拖放”的安装方法进行安装的,我们的插件文件包内一般包含了“Effects → 特效/效果”,“Generators → 发生器”,“Transitions → 转场”,“Titles → 标题/字幕”的快捷方式,但如果您想手动找到安装到了哪里?此时就需要找到这个【影片】的文件夹。跟着下面的操作方法,即可找到:点我查看图示指引



