CMG Sony Cinematic LUTs 介绍
CMG Sony Cinematic LUTs 这是一套由 Christian Mate Grab 出品适用索尼系列相机的电影调色LUTS,被评为年度最佳调色LUT,一键调色,轻松获得漂亮的电影胶片外观,非常值得学习与借鉴,收藏备用!
Cine LUTs for Sony Cameras
适用于索尼相机的电影 LUT
Here are some new LUTs for your Sony A7III / A7S III (and other cameras from the A7-series like A7 RIV / A7R III / A7S III and a6300 / a6400 / a6500 / a6500 / Sony Alpha 7C but they look good with Canon C-Log or Cinestyle as well). They will give you a nice cinematic film look with a click and works perfectly with the picture profile settings you can find inside the pack (Cine2).
以下是适用于您的 Sony A7III / A7S III 的一些新 LUT(以及 A7 系列的其他相机,如 A7 RIV / A7R III / A7S III 和 a6300 / a6400 / a6500 / a6500 / Sony Alpha 7C,但它们与 Canon C-Log 或 Cinestyle 搭配效果也很好)。只需单击一下,它们即可为您提供漂亮的电影胶片效果,并且可与包内的图片配置文件设置 (Cine2) 完美配合。
You don’t have to overexpose your image, just leave it in the middle or underexpose 0,3 to 0,7. You simply have to test out what works best for you.
您不必过度曝光图像,只需将其保持在中间或曝光不足 0.3 到 0.7。您只需测试最适合您的效果即可。
Works in all video editing programs like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut X.
适用于所有视频编辑程序,如 Adobe Premiere Pro 或 Final Cut X等。
You will get 7 .cube files you have to import in your programs like Final Cut Pro X or Premiere Pro to use it. They work perfectly for indoor, lowlight moody days and sunny outdoor scenes!
您将获得 13个 .cube 文件,您必须将其导入 Final Cut Pro X 或 Premiere Pro 等程序才能使用它。它们非常适合室内、光线昏暗的阴沉日子和阳光明媚的户外场景!
I recommend to use it on an adjustment layer so you can tweak your original clips underneath it in Lumetri. For example if it looks too blueish or cold try to adjust the temperature to the right on your clip. Also turning down highlights can work wonders on some footage if your bright areas look blown out.
我建议在调整层上使用它,这样你就可以在 Lumetri 中调整其下方的原始剪辑。例如,如果它看起来太蓝或太冷,请尝试将剪辑上的温度调整到正确的水平。此外,如果明亮区域看起来过曝,调低高光效果也会对某些素材产生奇效。
适用系统:Windows 和 Mac 系统
支持软件:与Sony Vegas,Premiere Pro CC,After Effects CC,FCPX,DaVinci Resolve等兼容。
CMG Sony Cinematic LUTs 视频介绍
CMG Sony Cinematic LUTs 图文介绍
如何在Final Cut Pro X中加载LUTs?
如何在Premiere Pro中加载LUTs?
Mac 系统: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/LUTs
Windows 系统: \Program Files\Adobe\Common\LUTs
拷贝 例如“Log to Rec709” LUTs到上述文件夹内.
如何在DaVinci Resolve中加载LUTs?
Mac 系统: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/LUT
Windows 系统: C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\LUT
拷贝 例如“Log to Rec709” LUTs到上述文件夹内即可.
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MotionVfx Mlut 3.0 LUTS管理工具 预览加载调节
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