大师课程:声音设计音频精通 介绍
大师课程:声音设计音频精通 这是一套由 Full Time Filmmaker 出品的调节音频和声音设计的大师课程,英文字幕,由Brendan大师与我们分享制作经验,掌握处理声音的基础知识及高级使用,是初学者和中级甚至专业人员的必看提升课程,值得学习!
Brendan has worked on many feature films, documentaries, as well as TV series and shows. He has over 400 videos on his channel thataudioguy.co, which we recommend you check out. If you want to deepen your knowledge of sound, these videos will help you. Brendan will share his experience with us and help you master the basics of working with sound. Why is sound so important? I think the main problem that many people have is that they do not give sound the attention it deserves. They think of it as just a “side effect”.
Brendan 曾参与过多部故事片、纪录片以及电视剧和节目的制作。他的频道 thataudioguy.co 上有超过 400 个视频,我们建议您查看,如果您想加深对声音的了解,这些视频将对您有所帮助。Brendan 将与我们分享他的经验,并帮助您掌握处理声音的基础知识。为什么声音如此重要?我认为许多人的主要问题是他们没有给予声音应有的关注,他们认为这只是“副作用”。
大师课程:声音设计音频精通 视频介绍
大师课程:声音设计音频精通 图文介绍
However, if you want to create quality films and TV shows, then sound plays a key role. I have received many projects where people said, “Oh, this is the audio that needs to be fixed.” And it cost them thousands of dollars. So if you don’t pay attention to the sound, you end up paying more. In this course, we will cover all aspects of working with sound and help you create a quality product.